Sunday, February 12, 2012

Cake Doughnuts

I have had the urge to make doughnuts numerous times, but I've always been turned off by the need for a deep fryer or a vague set of directions  When I was in Target trying to find the right mix of heinous amounts of candy for various valentines, I came across a special seasonal baking section.  And they had a doughnut pan!!

It just so happened that this pan had very simple-sounding directions for baked cake doughnuts. So I bought it.

The doughnuts were exactly what the recipe said they would be- cake doughnuts. They were perfectly fine, but I must admit they were nothing special. Now that I have a pan, I feel more comfortable trying out other recipes or changing this one up.  For some reason not having a pan was the sticking point for me- I just couldn't shape the dough into doughnuts like the recipes all directed because cake doughnut dough is like cake batter; I'm not sure how you shape something with that consistency.

The nice thing about these doughnuts was that  they were very quick to make (5 min per batch) and the icing recipe was fantastic.


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