Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Key Lime Pie

This pie was definitely the fruit of hard labor.  Whether it was the summer heat or pregnancy cravings, I decided that key lime pie sounded like a wonderful treat.  And not just a quick and easy recipe, but one made with real key limes (the recipe can be found here).

I learned two major lessons from this: 1) You need A LOT of key limes for any significant amount of key lime juice, and 2) A garlic press will NOT work as a juicer despite what internet resources will tell you.  Other than that, the recipe was super simple.

Before starting this pie, I did a little research and found out that it would take about two bags of key limes to get the 3/4ths cup lime juice called for, so that was not the biggest issue.  The real problem was the garlic press.  I don't own a juicer, and instead of going out and buying one I searched for alternatives.  Several cooking websites (and a commenter on the recipe page for the pie) suggested using a garlic press to squeeze half of a key lime.  Now maybe I just had an inferior press, but the lime definitely won the battle of wills and the press got all bent out of shape over it.  In the end, I got one teaspoon of juice from half a lime and a broken garlic press out of the experience.  Chris and I juiced the rest of the limes by hand, which I will never do again.

After the lime drama was over, the pie was extremely easy to make and turned out fantastic.  I used this recipe several times over the following weekends in various forms.  For a staff meeting I brought a "bar" version of this.  I made it in a 9x9in glass pan and spread a layer of whipped cream on top.  I liked this version because you could easily cut smaller pieces.  I also made this in cupcake tins.  I pressed the crust into cupcake liners and added the filling.  Baking was much faster in such small portions and they were super easy to transport.  I expected to have issues getting them out of the liners, but even the filling didn't really seem to stick to them.

For anyone wondering how the limes got pressed for the other treats, Chris bought me a juicer.


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