Friday, June 17, 2011

Wilton Cake decorating classes in a nut shell

During the month of April Chris and I took a Wilton Cake decorating class at our local Michael's.  It was a lot of fun, but also a ton of work getting ready for each class.  We had four projects throughout the class, one for each week.

For the first class week we brought in plan rolled sugar cookies to decorate.  We practiced making stars with decorating tips (numbers 18 and 21).  Sadly, I did not think to take pictures of these, however they weren't terribly exciting so I don't feel too badly about it.

On week two we practiced torting and icing a cake of our choosing.  Since I'm planning on have red velvet for my wedding cake, I used the opportunity to experiment with different recipes.  I didn't particularly care for this recipe, but it worked well for the class.  Chris chose to go with a tweeked chocolate box cake, which turned out well for him.  For techniques, we practiced using open tips for dimensional shapes (everything on the cupcake image). We had more practice with the stars for boarders.

The top cake is mine, while the one to the right is Chris's. We both had issues getting the icing smooth using the class taught techniques, which was mildly frustrating at the time.  The instructor gave us some pointers, so it went better for us next time.  Unfortunately for Chris his cake took a spill off the counter after being iced in the green.  We patched it up as best we could, but buttercream isn't the most forgiving when you're a beginner... But it get's better!

Week three was an adventure in cupcakes!  I tried another red velvet recipe and ended up really liking it. It was a lot moister than the last one and seemed to have more substance to it.  Possibly a winner, but my search continues. 

 We used a special tip to fill the cupcakes with cream cheese icing and I thought it turned out really well.  We worked on three different flower techniques  and learned how to make leaves.  The mums in blue are Chris's, the yellow is mine (below).  I was not a fan of making mums, but Chris had it down right away. I would blame it on my icing consistency, but really I was just too impatient with it.  I did really enjoy making a variety of drop flowers (the little blue ones) and leaves.

All of our designs were placed on top of a swirled top that resembled a rose.  The effect was really nice- lots of height and definition.    

Our fourth and final project was another cake.  For these cakes, we both stuck our guns for chocolate and red velvet yet again.  I had a cream cheese filling  and Chris used a whipped orange marmalade for his.

We both were clearly having non-creative days with the wording, but we did add two new aspects of decoration.  First, we made the ribbon roses.  They were surprisingly easy and turned out great.  Next, we made a non-existent (in real life) flower, I'm not sure what I think of it.

 Overall it was a great experience.  Our instructor was helpful and we enjoyed ourselves.  I hope to be taking a few more classes before I attempt making my own wedding cake this winter!



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