Wednesday, March 9, 2011

And God said "Let there be light"...

I'm beginning this blog as a means to keep myself organized and in hopes that some years down the road I have something to look back on by which to mark any progress I've made.

For the random reader, allow me to introduce myself. My name is Beth (actually it's Elizabeth, but any shortened version except Liz will get my attention). I was born and raised in Minnesota. I attended college and received my bachelor's degree in psychology in May 2010. I had planned to go to grad school, earn a PhD, and become a respected cognitive psychologist, but some things just aren't meant to be. When a humbling number of rejection letters came my way, I realized I needed something to do while I sorted life out, so I got a full-time job working in a group home. After a few months of miserable hours and too much time on my hands, I found myself in the dark about my future. I no longer wanted to go to grad school, my degree wasn't good for much, and my job was (is) taking an emotional and physical toll on me.

Thankfully my fiancee, Chris, is smarter than I am.

In my spare time (the time during which I have nothing to do and everyone else in the world is at work or school), I kept myself busy with baking. I had always loved baking and was known for it by my close friends, but it had become almost an obsession once I had time to devote to it. Almost since I met Chris he had joked about me opening a bakery someday. Increasingly the jokes became more of suggestions, which I continued shrugging off as something implausible. A few months ago, however, the light came on. Whether it was the constant support of Chris or divine intervention, I don't know (but hey, who says it has to one or the other?), but it suddenly made sense to me that this is something I would like to do for the rest of my life. When I bake I'm not hungry or tired, mad or hurt, confused or frustrated. I just am. So I'm going to have a bakery some day. I have no training and very little money, but I suppose those are things I can pick up along the way.

The plan for this blog is to be a sort of diary of discoveries and progress. I'll post what I make, failure or success, and maybe even my recipes if they are mine to post. I'm not promising myself or you anything amazing. It will simply be what it is.


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